ZuiAndroid is your one-stop destination for all things tech. So, fellow techies, welcome to ZuiAndroid, the place where technology is made easy!
The website came to being when two friends decided to take their love for science, technology and games and decided to do something about it!
Connect with me on Twitter [@PewPewNew!] for a daily dose of techy goodness. Don’t miss out on any updates, discussions, or epic giveaways – let’s geek out together!
About Me:
Hi! I am Ayush, the founder of ZuiAndroid. I started ZuiAndroid under the name of Techount back in 2019 but closed it due to commitments, but starting 2024, I have decided to go in with full force. The aim is to develop ZuiAndroid as a central hub for all things technology in India. Thank you for reading.!
Also, if you are also interested in content writing or have an interest for technology and games, you can contact me on twitter @PewPewNew! (Because we are short on man power. :v)